• Al Shay Al Jamil 6 ML

    Unseal a captivating dance of florals and woods with Al Shay Al Jamil. Sparkling mandarin and green galbanum intertwine with a heart of crisp apple and blooming rose, all resting on a base of creamy sandalwood and sensual musk.

    TOP: Mandarine, Galbanum
    HEART: Apple, Rose
    BASE: Sandalwood, Musk

    Size: 6 ML
    Brand: Seris Parfums

  • Splendor Ocean 15 ML

    Escape with Seris Parfums Splendor Ocean, a captivating 15 ML Eau de Parfum. Notes awaken your senses, while a touch of mystery lingers. Perfect for on-the-go confidence. Shop Seris Parfums EDPs.

    Size: 15 ML

  • Splendor Sport (15ml)

    Unleash active spirit with Splendor Sport 15 ML by Seris Parfums. This Eau de Parfum is perfect for on-the-go lifestyles. Travel-ready fragrances & long-lasting EDPs. Perfect fit for GYM and Bag.

    Size: 15 ML

    Brand: Seris

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