• Graffiti

    A woody fragrance with a lingering sweetness. The sharp and tangy. freshness of green apple is met with warm gourmand accords of vanilla and amber

    Size. 100ml

  • Graffiti Blanc

    A chypre floral fragrance set in a jasmine reverie. Light and alluring strawberry mixed with musky delicacy, enveloped in bold and unwavering jasmine, reminiscent of a sweet summer dream.

    Size. 100ml

  • Graffiti Lush

    A feminine floral fragrance where sober meets sensual. Peony is the flagrant star in this composition, with its distinctive fresh rosy floralcy, surrounded by soothing blossoms of magnolia and lotus flower.

    Size. 100ml

  • Graffiti Sport

    An aquatic take on an otherwise aromatic woody fragrance. Fresh white florals, citruses and marine accords neatly assorted over a layer of dense woods, takes you back to an energetic day at the seaside.

    Size. 100ml

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