• Splendor

    Strong and deep, the watery and citrus freshness is contrasted by an irresistible signature made of woods and musks.

    Size. 200ml

  • Splendor Divine

    A magnetic fragrance. First stimulating with fruity tones then ultra masculine and sensual with a combination of spices, patchouli and amber.

    Size. 200ml

  • Splendor Noir

    Strong and deep, the watery and citrus freshness is contrasted by an irresistible signature made of woods and musks.

    Size. 200ml

  • Splendor Pink

    Strong and deep, the watery and citrus freshness is contrasted by an irresistible signature made of woods and musks.

    Size. 200ml

  • Splendor Sport

    A magnetic fragrance. First stimulating with fruity tones then ultra masculine and sensual with a combination of spices, patchouli and amber.

    Size. 200ml

  • Splendor Urban

    Strong and deep, the watery and citrus freshness is contrasted by an irresistible signature made of woods and musks.

    Size. 200ml

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